Tummy Time
We've been trying to give Harper more tummy time lately, so he can strengthen his back and arms, which will help him crawl eventually. He looks so stinking cute when he's on his tummy!
Baby Survey
MoMMy aNd BaBy SuRveY Created by ilovehimlikenoother and taken 6651 times on Bzoink | |
[[AbOuT MoMMy aNd PReGNaNcy]] | |
MoMMyS FuLL NaMe: | Shannon Joy Healy |
AGe WhEn PReGNaNt: | 28 |
CuRReNt AGe: | 29 |
HOw FaR & lOnG wERe yOu wHeN yOu FoUnd OuT?: | 5 weeks? |
STiLL wiTh ThE FaTheR?: | Yeah he's stuck with me forever now :) |
WhAT waS yOuR FiRsT ReaCtiOn wHeN yOu FoUnd OuT yOu wErE PreGnaNt?: | scared but excited |
HOw DiD tHe FaTheR ReaCt??: | he was scared too but remained pretty calm |
HOw DiD YOuR PaReNtS TaKe ThE NEwS?: | shocked |
HOw DiD yOu FeeL aBoUt yOuR FiRsT ULTraSOuNd sOuNd?: | it was *ahem* uncomfortable... |
WhaT MoNth DiD yOu FiNd OuT ThE seX Of ThE BaBy?: | August |
WHeRe yOu HaPPy aBOuT ThE seX OF The BaBy??: | I wanted a girl, but now can't imagine not having a little boy! |
WHaT weRe yOuR CraViNgs?: | pickles, meat, salads, apples |
DiD yOu ExCeRSiCe wHeN yOu wERe PreGnaNt??: | no, I had preeclampsia and wasn't allowed too :( |
HOw MuCh WeiGht DiD yOu GaiN??: | 25 pounds |
DiD yOu GeT MoRniNg SiCkNeSs?: | nope |
DiD yOu eNjOy weaRiNg maTeRniTy CLoTheS??: | yes! elastic-waisted pants are awesome :) |
WhaT BoOks DiD yOu ReaD wHeN yOu weRe PreGnaNt??: | anything having to do with homebirths, What to Expect, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth |
DiD yOu aTTeNd aNy PReGNaNcy CLaSSes, LiKe LaMaze?: | Our midwife led a few classes |
OveRaLL...DeSCriBe yOuR PreGNaNcy.: | not enjoyable...but the end product was so worth it |
[[aBouT The DeLiVeRy]] | |
HOw DiD yOu KnOw yOu weRe iN LaBoR?: | I was induced a month early |
DiD yOuR waTeR BreAk??: | the doctor broke it |
WhaT weRe yOuR CoNtraCtiOns LiKe??: | the worst pain I've ever been in |
HoW LoNg weRe yOu iN laBoR fOr??: | 4 days total...about 9 hours of hard labor |
EPiDuRaL???: | Yes, after 7 hours without one...a non-narcotic one |
WhO waS iN ThE DeLiVeRy RoOm wiTh yOu??: | Tuli, my Mom, Dr. Katz, 2 midwives and loads of nurses |
WaS iT aN EaSy DeLiVeRy??: | Not particularly |
DiD yOu CrY DuRiNg LaBoR??: | oh yeah... |
[[aBoUt ThE BaBy]] | |
BaBYs FuLL NaMe: | Harper James Jakobson Healy |
BiRTh DaTe: | 1-6-09 |
TiMe BoRn: | 8:00 pm |
GeNdeR: | male |
LeNgTh: | 18 inches |
weiGht: | 5lbs |
WhaT waS ThE FiRsT ThiNg yOu SaiD tO yOuR BaBy?: | Hi Baby!!! |
wHo ViSiTeD yOu aNd ThE BaBy aT The HoSpiTaL?: | family, Sarah, AAshley, Max and Cathy |
wiLL yOu BreAsTFeeD?: | Harper never got the hang of it...so I use a breastpump every 2-3 hours, so he gets breastmilk at least... |
wHaT waS The FiRsT NiGht BeiNg a PaReNt LiKe?: | tiring and surreal |
DiD yOu GeT sLeeP?: | not really |
wHeN DiD yOu Go HoMe?: | 1-9-09 |
[[PReSeNt TiMe]] | |
HOw OLd iS yOuR BaBy NoW?: | 13.5 weeks |
STiLL wiTh The FaTheR??: | Yes :) |
WhO DOeS uR BaBy LoOk LiKe NoW??: | he's a great combo of both of us |
BeeN BaPtiZed??: | yes |
yOuR BaByS CuRReNt MiLeStOnE AchiEveMeNt??: | he's starting to laugh |
WhaTs yOuR BaBy'S FavOriTe ThiNg To Do??: | wiggle around naked |
yOuR BaByS FaVe ToY?: | too young for toys still |
WhAt iS iT LiKe BeiNg a PaReNt?: | awesome, tiring, overwhelming, wonderful |
ReaDy FoR aNoTheR OnE?: | NO!! |
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Easter Baby
On Harper's first Easter, we went to church with Grammie and Quampa. After church, we went to Grammie's house for a great Easter dinner with some family. Below are some videos of Harper playing with his Grammie and Quampa, and also a fun little slideshow I made! :)
Make a Smilebox slideshow |
Emailing Baby
In the below video, Harper is emailing Aunt Missy down in Arizona.
I didn't think it was possible, but he got cuter today :)
I didn't think it was possible, but he got cuter today :)
Hot Baby
On Sunday, Cathy and I took our babies for a walk
along the Willamette river.
along the Willamette river.
The weather was awesome this weekend! The whole car ride back to Cathy's house, Harper was screaming :(
I figured out he was hot, so I took off all of his clothes and started blowing cool air on him. He loved it! This video shows him wiggling as I'm cooling him off :)
He was 3 months old yesterday, and I will get him weighed tomorrow :)
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