MoMMy aNd BaBy SuRveY Created by ilovehimlikenoother and taken 6651 times on Bzoink | |
[[AbOuT MoMMy aNd PReGNaNcy]] | |
MoMMyS FuLL NaMe: | Shannon Joy Healy |
AGe WhEn PReGNaNt: | 28 |
CuRReNt AGe: | 29 |
HOw FaR & lOnG wERe yOu wHeN yOu FoUnd OuT?: | 5 weeks? |
STiLL wiTh ThE FaTheR?: | Yeah he's stuck with me forever now :) |
WhAT waS yOuR FiRsT ReaCtiOn wHeN yOu FoUnd OuT yOu wErE PreGnaNt?: | scared but excited |
HOw DiD tHe FaTheR ReaCt??: | he was scared too but remained pretty calm |
HOw DiD YOuR PaReNtS TaKe ThE NEwS?: | shocked |
HOw DiD yOu FeeL aBoUt yOuR FiRsT ULTraSOuNd sOuNd?: | it was *ahem* uncomfortable... |
WhaT MoNth DiD yOu FiNd OuT ThE seX Of ThE BaBy?: | August |
WHeRe yOu HaPPy aBOuT ThE seX OF The BaBy??: | I wanted a girl, but now can't imagine not having a little boy! |
WHaT weRe yOuR CraViNgs?: | pickles, meat, salads, apples |
DiD yOu ExCeRSiCe wHeN yOu wERe PreGnaNt??: | no, I had preeclampsia and wasn't allowed too :( |
HOw MuCh WeiGht DiD yOu GaiN??: | 25 pounds |
DiD yOu GeT MoRniNg SiCkNeSs?: | nope |
DiD yOu eNjOy weaRiNg maTeRniTy CLoTheS??: | yes! elastic-waisted pants are awesome :) |
WhaT BoOks DiD yOu ReaD wHeN yOu weRe PreGnaNt??: | anything having to do with homebirths, What to Expect, Ina May's Guide to Childbirth |
DiD yOu aTTeNd aNy PReGNaNcy CLaSSes, LiKe LaMaze?: | Our midwife led a few classes |
OveRaLL...DeSCriBe yOuR PreGNaNcy.: | not enjoyable...but the end product was so worth it |
[[aBouT The DeLiVeRy]] | |
HOw DiD yOu KnOw yOu weRe iN LaBoR?: | I was induced a month early |
DiD yOuR waTeR BreAk??: | the doctor broke it |
WhaT weRe yOuR CoNtraCtiOns LiKe??: | the worst pain I've ever been in |
HoW LoNg weRe yOu iN laBoR fOr??: | 4 days total...about 9 hours of hard labor |
EPiDuRaL???: | Yes, after 7 hours without one...a non-narcotic one |
WhO waS iN ThE DeLiVeRy RoOm wiTh yOu??: | Tuli, my Mom, Dr. Katz, 2 midwives and loads of nurses |
WaS iT aN EaSy DeLiVeRy??: | Not particularly |
DiD yOu CrY DuRiNg LaBoR??: | oh yeah... |
[[aBoUt ThE BaBy]] | |
BaBYs FuLL NaMe: | Harper James Jakobson Healy |
BiRTh DaTe: | 1-6-09 |
TiMe BoRn: | 8:00 pm |
GeNdeR: | male |
LeNgTh: | 18 inches |
weiGht: | 5lbs |
WhaT waS ThE FiRsT ThiNg yOu SaiD tO yOuR BaBy?: | Hi Baby!!! |
wHo ViSiTeD yOu aNd ThE BaBy aT The HoSpiTaL?: | family, Sarah, AAshley, Max and Cathy |
wiLL yOu BreAsTFeeD?: | Harper never got the hang of I use a breastpump every 2-3 hours, so he gets breastmilk at least... |
wHaT waS The FiRsT NiGht BeiNg a PaReNt LiKe?: | tiring and surreal |
DiD yOu GeT sLeeP?: | not really |
wHeN DiD yOu Go HoMe?: | 1-9-09 |
[[PReSeNt TiMe]] | |
HOw OLd iS yOuR BaBy NoW?: | 13.5 weeks |
STiLL wiTh The FaTheR??: | Yes :) |
WhO DOeS uR BaBy LoOk LiKe NoW??: | he's a great combo of both of us |
BeeN BaPtiZed??: | yes |
yOuR BaByS CuRReNt MiLeStOnE AchiEveMeNt??: | he's starting to laugh |
WhaTs yOuR BaBy'S FavOriTe ThiNg To Do??: | wiggle around naked |
yOuR BaByS FaVe ToY?: | too young for toys still |
WhAt iS iT LiKe BeiNg a PaReNt?: | awesome, tiring, overwhelming, wonderful |
ReaDy FoR aNoTheR OnE?: | NO!! |
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